
It is the responsibility of EVERYONE using the lab to:

Cleaning Rota

Inventory Rota

Every 2 months, a pair of two members of the group go through the lab inventory to check that it is up to date.

Bring back after Christmas 2021.

Specific Jobs

 - Maintain plasma cleaner (+ oxygen cylinder)  + signup sheet


- Meeting & rota scheduling 

- Maintain spincoater + signup sheet 

- Maintain Bath sonicator

- Manage website & Wiki  

- Misc Biochem things 

- pH meter 

- Biological H&S and risk assessments 

- Order general optics for laser lab and keep them properly stored 

- Maintain CNC machine 

- Quarterly maintenance of MilliQ machine

- Maintain fluorimeter + signup sheet, stock cuvettes  

- Computers / hardware

- Maintain osmometer + calibration  

- Annual Calibration of pipettes  

- Maintain tip sonicator + signup sheet