
Bioinformatics Tools

ProtParam protein parameter calculator

RONN protein disorder predictor

Proteomics Tools Server

Uniprot BLAST search

SWISS-MODEL protein structure homology-modeling

Pubmed literature database

Useful ordering websites

Place a sequencing order with Source BioScience.

Source BioScience requires at least 5ul DNA (100ng/ul for plasmids, 1ng/ul per 100bp for PCR products). If you are sending your own primers, they require 10ul of 3.2pmol/ul. Source recommends that primers that are continuing from a previous sequencing run should allow 100bp overlap to be safe and complete the coverage and definitely no less than a 50bp overlap.

The customer service phone number for the Oxford lab is 01865 275 236. They can be e-mailed for technical support on

Order oligonucleotides from MWG (Eurofins)